Sunday, June 2, 2013

A brief history of Perak. . .

Perak is famous for its socio-cultural diversity. Plus, many admit that this states in the northern region stored thousand of amazing unique treasures. Five states bordering it makes Perak rich of their culture community, local culture, and neighbors. Since then, not surprising if there are four main spoken dialect of Malay North Perak (influence Kedah), Silver South (Selangor), Perak East (Kelantan) and Middle Silver (true Perak dialect).

Menara Condong, Teluk Intan, Perak

Perak is said to be taken in conjunction with the name of Bendahara (Treasurer) Tun Perak of Malacca, but, there are also a story that claimed it from the 'flash of a fish in the water sparkle like silver '. According to historians, Perak existed in prehistoric times and may the oldest inhabited state in the peninsula. Even more amazing, 'Silver Man' or 'Perak Man' found by a group of researchers from the Center for Archaeological Research Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1991, then confirmed as the oldest human skeleton ever found in the country. It was discovered in Gua Gunung Runtuh, Lenggong and the estimated age were between 10,000 to 11,000 years.

Perak Man

Perak also has a glorious Sultanate inherited from the Sultanate Malacca. Coronation of Sultan Mudzaffar Shah I, the heirs of  Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca in 1528 is the starting point of this glorious state. Perak sultanate continued the traditional concept of the Malacca Sultanate reign with minor changes and adapting to the state and a pluralistic society of the Nusantara,China and India. In addition, the course of history can not be separated Perak with rich results natural resources, namely tin. The discovery of tin in Larut in 1848 by Cik Long Jaafar has boosted the state's economy. One by one mining area  open but it extends to the Kinta district. Opening the tin mine also attracted the attention of Chinese society and many are beginning to migrate and settle in Perak.

Mining area, Ulu Kinta in 1848

Dispute between two groups of Chinese miners, Ghen Hin and Hai San because of not satisfied with the method of mining has started Perang Larut and that  incidentwas taken advantage by the British to interfere with the Perak's administration through the Perjanjian Pangkor in 1874. Resident system introduced by J.W.W. Birch as the first resident. An aberrant implementation and  local social attitudes thatdo not want to be colonized have caused resistance in the open up killing Birch in Pasir Salak in 1875. Whatever the system continuesuntil the Japanese occupation of Malaya in 1941 had a positive impact development of the state.

J.W.W. Birch memorial Clock Tower in 
District of Ipoh, Perak.

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